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Money is important in our life. Remember Mick Jagger said “With no Money in our coats, you can’t say we are satisfied”. Whatever you do money is you need. For future, for today. But its true money can not buy yesterday. Talking about future, planning is all you need. Yeah, about money too. Money is very important to your life in the future. Do you have a financial planning for future? From now you have to plan it.
The beginning is how to save money, and I hope you can spend some money to invest. It will be nice to survive. Not all of us can save money well. Some of us is hard to save money. You may to save money in the bank.
But your debit card still calls you. My Idea, if you really want to plan for future, you have a saving money in the bank with no debit card. Or you can take deposito from bank product. Why we choose bank?
In the bank your money save and safe. There is interest to keep your money value. Is there another best idea? Yeah, if you want you can buy gold. Because gold’s value never down. May in some periodic the price of gold down, but we are talking about value not the price.
Another one, some bank offer assurance if you save your money in them. In this era, its easy for you to find the best bank in your area with many advantage. Use google, ask someone who understand about banking. So why don’t you try to get in touch with some who succes and rich now?
At the end, however you to save money its okay. With bank or not. The important thing is save your money. Think about the future.